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Show 46 Prophesy 2 Gogmagog.
Traditionally Gog and Magog are thought of as the Frost Giants, supernatural monsters from Ultima Thule who are only defeated at the end of days.  However “Magog” is not such an unusual name in scripture.
Genesis 10:2View whole chapterSee verse in context
The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
Genesis 10:2View whole chapterSee verse in context
The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
Ezekiel describes Gog as an enemy in the land of Magog, but he and his armies although imposing are not supernatural.  When they die, bones are left. 
Ezekiel 38:2View whole chapterSee verse in context
Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
Ezekiel 38:3View whole chapterSee verse in context
And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
Ezekiel 39:11View whole chapterSee verse in context
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.
Ezekiel 39:15View whole chapterSee verse in context
And the passengers that pass through the land, when any seeth a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till the buriers have buried it in the valley of Hamongog.
Gog and Magog make a return appearance in Revelation.
Revelation 20:8View whole chapterSee verse in context
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
Again, there appears to be nothing supernatural about them; the only remarkable thing is that their armies are very large.  I would be happy to suggest that they represent some Ice Age event kept in tradition from the distant past, but I cannot convince even myself.  As for the great numbers, if indeed these enemies lived in the far north, where for much of the year travel was difficult, and people hunkered down, that would have encouraged consanguinity, with the resultant high fertility.  They now have good roads and stout little cars so consanguinity is much reduced and the demographic situation is reversed. 
I’m sorry to lose the Frost Giants.  Many years ago, a few friends and I in Sweden took a kite out in the country on a blustery winter day.  The kite exploded, as my friends warned me it would.  But while we were at it, from time to time there would be a howling sound and trees in a nearby wood would bend down as if trodden upon.  Sometimes the falling clot of cold air would land on me, nearly knocking me off my feet.   It was easy to imagine we were being tormented by invisible giants.  So we shall refer to the Norse Frost Giants.
Are they coming back?
Let me say that all of this is speculative.  Don’t use it to answer any quiz question.  I don’t mean to spread false information.  I’m just going to follow a few hints, and you are more than welcome to dismiss it all.
I am a climate change enthusiast.  Yes, the climate changes; that seems to be well documented.  I am less sure that the current change is global warming, but let us look at some logic here.
Global warming is often attributed to rising CO2 levels.  It seems clear that the rise is a fact.  What to do about it seems obvious.  We are entering levels so high we don’t know what to expect, so simple prudence dictates that we make every effort to control it. 
The mechanism by which CO2 might cause global warming is often suggested to be a “greenhouse effect.”  Light coming to the surface, like light entering a greenhouse, becomes heat that is trapped because CO2 is opaque to the infra-red that heat dissipates through.  Despite the popularity of the concept, there are some problems.  One is that, if CO2 causes global warming, one would expect the greatest effect to be near the industrial centers.  But the greatest effect is in the Arctic.  They call it “Arctic amplification;” I call it “Theory does not work.” 
Another problem is that, so far as I remember, the computer model that demonstrated such an effect was one dimensional.  If they have a three-dimensional model, I have yet to hear of it.  The difference is potentially important.  First you must understand “lapse rate.”  That means the higher you go in the atmosphere the colder it gets.  Imagine a glob of air.  Raise it, and pressure on it will fall so that it expands and cools.  Lower it and it is compressed and warms.  Give it freedom, and it will seek its own density, warming or cooling as it does so.  This change is the lapse rate, which depends on the classical gas laws and nothing else. 
If you heat a region and the air over it, the air will rise.  If the air contains a lot of moisture, that moisture will condense, releasing heat; this is the opposite of boiling water or evaporating sweat absorbing heat.  The released heat will make the warm moist air rise faster and higher.  This can be seen on a summer day as those cumulous clouds or cumulonimbus clouds that herald a thunderstorm.  Since there are a large number of thunderstorms in the world at any one time, that means a lot of heat is being lifted high and can radiate itself into the cold of space. 
Now suppose the air contains a lot of CO2.  Dry air is mostly nitrogen, with a molecular weight of 28.  CO2 has a molecular weight of 44.








Nitrogen at a given temperature will travel around and its speed and weight on average will carry a certain amount of energy.  It can also spin and the bond can stretch and recover like a spring.  There are thus three ways it can store energy.  CO2 can travel, and it can spin, but now it can spin in three ways.  Each bond can act like a spring, and the angle between the bonds can open and close like a clasp knife going through a short arc, and it travels.  So the CO2 has 7 ways to carry heat, twice as much as nitrogen.  It does not weigh twice as much, so pound for pound, it carries more heat, and in convection it will more effectively carry heat away from the earth.  Even if you take it that it only spins in one direction, that leaves 28/3 = 9.3 for nitrogen and 44/5 = 8.8 for CO2.
In fact, even a greenhouse does not work by greenhouse.  The glass just prevents convection, which is the primary way the atmosphere can cool itself. 
So CO2 is a heat dissipating fiend.  If it “blocks” infra-red, that means it is good at absorbing the same wavelengths, so by basic physics it radiates well at those wavelengths, and that makes it a more efficient heat sweeper.  If CO2 freezes into dry ice at ten miles up, which is not that much farther than cumulonimbus clouds go, and it is only because those clouds have no more water to condense that they stop, then at 10 miles the CO2 freezes out, releasing more heat, carrying it farther and enhancing the transport of heat away from the earth.  Can we agree that there is reason to suspect that at least part of the effect of atmospheric CO2 is global cooling?
Then there is the planet Venus.  The surface is dreadfully hot, and we hear words like, “runaway greenhouse effect.”  Nay, when you look at Venus, you don’t see the surface of the planet.  You see the surface of the atmosphere.  That is where the atmosphere equilibrates between the light of the sun and the cold of space.   Sure it’s closer to the sun than we are, but not that much closer.  The temperature would be bearable given an atmosphere like ours, but that is the temperature at the top of the clouds.  The surface is so hot because of the lapse rate.       
Some people are seriously suggesting we put stuff in the upper atmosphere to shade the earth and control global warming.  That seems to me to be insane; you’d just be making the earth more like sweltering Venus.  A lot of us think that contrails cause global warming already; all you climate warriors have a brand new target. 
After a big volcanic eruption, the earth cools for a while.  I think that is beyond question.  A volcano releases a lot of dust, sulfur dioxide and CO2.  On balance there is cooling, although I am suggesting that it is the CO2 that is doing the cooling and opaque stuff doing the warming.  If I ran the zoo, I’d try to send a drone through the plume of a volcano and measure the CO2 levels and how fast the CO2 rises. 
It has been so silly in the past that every summer we’d get warnings that people were burning so much stuff we’d get global warming and every winter we’d get warnings that a nuclear war would burn so much stuff we’d get a nuclear winter.  Now it seems to have settled down to two sides, one screaming “liars” and the other screaming “deniers.”  
It seems clear that the arctic ice cap is shrinking.  Have a care here, this is copyrighted material.  I am not monetized, that is I’m not making any money off any of this, so it is for educational purposes only.  Feel free to use anything I say for any purpose, but if you are going to get paid, you might need to get permission.  Here is the record of recent ice cover on the arctic ocean.
It looks like the ice up there has been less than ever before until the past few days.  I don’t have any idea why 2012 dropped so fast about this time that year.  We can learn a little more if we look at the concentration of ice cover

The distance from the North Pole to the top of Greenland is about 500 miles.  Look at how much ice cover within 200 miles of the pole is only about 50% ice; the rest is dark sea water.  It’s not even the solstice.  At this time of year the amount of sunlight at the North Pole is greater than anywhere else on earth.  It would take a brave person to say that there is no chance that by later September, we won’t have open water in a bay 1oo miles across overlying the pole. 
At that point speculation runs amuck.  Now, as in the past, hot wet air rises in the tropics, cools and dumps rain, moves toward the poles, drops to the desert zone and then rises again to continue north.  As it approaches the poles the air is going eastward at about the speed of the earth’s surface in the desert zone, but the land beneath is going slower so we get jet streams that drag the atmosphere along given temperate zone prevailing westerlies. After going over the desert zone the earth is going faster than the air, so there are the trade winds.  BUT if the hottest place is the North Pole, wet air rises at the North Pole, dumping rain and hail; toss a chip of ice into a cold updraft and it bobs up and down getting bigger and bigger until it cannot melt on the way down.  But instead of being fed by an area, oh, say a hundred to two hundred miles across, this storm is fed by the WHOLE WORLD.  That’s scary. 
Say a summer thunderstorm draws from a radius of 100 miles.  That would be about 30,000 square miles.  The radius of the earth is about 4 thousand miles for a surface area of about 16,000,000 square miles.  But only half is lit, so that’s 8,000,000 square miles.  8,000,000 / 30,000 = 267.  But air resistance rises as the 4th power of speed, so if 4th root of 267 = little less than 5.  If the updraft in a regular thunderstorm is 100 mph, the updraft over the pole will be 500 miles an hour.  It might be supersonic.  5 inch hailstones are already recorded.  You wouldn’t want to be outside with 2-foot hail coming down or in your house or car. 
That mass of super-hot air, even after it has had its water freeze has an inherent tendency to go where it is cold; that’s what the word “energy” means.  Instead of forming an orderly set of climate rings as we have now, it might make a break for the South Pole along a single corridor.  It certainly will make hash of the jet steams.  In fact here is what they looked like yesterday; (once again, copyrighted material, look all you like on any day, but don’t use it without permission unless you are sure you are only being educational.) 6/17/19
The streams are already hash, writhing from Arctic to tropic and from Antarctic to tropic.
Here it is as predicted a few days later. 6/17/19

Notice it is tracking down the West Coast of the US.  If the big one goes that way, life will be difficult in Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, San Diego.  I have watched this site a bit, and sometimes it goes down one side of the Rockies, sometimes the other and sometimes both.  I have no idea why the southern jet streams look so much more chaotic than the north.
Maybe it happened before.  When I was a child there was talk of mammoths found frozen with unwilted flowers in their stomachs.  A more recent debunking pointed out that mammoths did not digest their food in their stomachs.  But the word was “unwilted,” not “undigested.”  If that was true, then the flowers were frozen within hours INSIDE the mammoth.  Yep.  That’s cold. 
There is a glacier called the Grasshopper Glacier my father visited as a young man.  Throughout the thickness of the glacier, and he indicated that as he sat horseback the top was much higher than his head, there were grasshoppers.  Grasshoppers can do many things, but jumping around on ice is not one of them.  Again one must suspect the glacier formed in minutes to hours.
If I ran the zoo, I’d visit a lot of glaciers and inspect them with some sort of instrument, maybe cut slabs and look at them with polarized light or do x-rays and see if there was evidence of hail instead of the snow we are usually told about.  It would be fun to see what size the hailstones were. 
I am talking about possibilities here without any suggestion of probability.  I am no expert, so do not take this as truth, just something to think about.  I cannot make any comment on the wisdom of living in California under present circumstances.  It would be nice to have experts give an opinion, but since they will make no comment about kinship and fertility, where I stand flat footed and would bet my life, I think it unlikely that will happen. 

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